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Dia do Biomédico 

This photograph of CDC?s Dr. Terrence Tumpey, Microbiologist for the National Center for Infectious Diseases, shows him examining specimens of the 1918 Pandemic Influenza Virus?a virus that was reconstructed in hopes of combating a future influenza pandemic. Dr. Tumpey recreated the 1918 influenza virus to identify the characteristics that made the 1918 influenza virus so harmful. This effort enables researchers to develop new vaccines and treatments for future pandemic influenza viruses. The 1918 flu epidemic was caused by an influenza A virus (H1N1), killing more than 500,000 people in the United States, and up to 50 million worldwide. Many people died within the first few days after infection, and others died of complications later. Nearly half of those who died were young, healthy adults. Influenza A (H1N1) viruses still circulate today after being introduced again into the human population in the 1970s. Date: 2005 Content credits: / xxxxx Photo credit: James Gathany Image storage: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Support File: CD_122_DH/ 012 http://www.cdc.gov/od/oc/media/pressrel/r051005.htm CDC ? Office of Communication - Media Release - 1918 Influenza Virus http://www.cdc.gov/flu/avian/gen-info/pandemics.htm CDC ? Information about Influenza Pandemics

Estes profissionais são responsáveis por realizar análises físico-químicas, seja em nível celular, microbiana ou ambiental (fatores eco epidemiológicos e ambientais).

Eles trabalham em parceria com outros profissionais para ajudar a diagnosticar doenças que acometem pessoas, animais e o meio ambiente. Com um diagnóstico mais preciso, eles nos ajudam a tratar o problema atuando diretamente na promoção da saúde.

A Termofuncional homenageia nossos colegas que contribuem para a conservação da saúde e do meio ambiente.

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Dra. Fta. Paula Machado e Eng. Attílio B. Veratti Termofuncional – Termonautas – ICON Tecnologia.

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